Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants

Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants

3 Money-Saving Condo Features To Consider

Jesse Obrien

Shopping for a new condo is a very exciting prospect, but you will want to make sure that you consider features that can save you a bit of money while you are living in your new home. Listed below are just a few features to look for while shopping around for condos for sale that can save you money. 

Vaulted Ceilings

It is very important to consider vaulted ceilings in a new condo as the higher ceiling will be able to keep your home more comfortable in the summer and reduce your air conditioning use, which will also reduce your utility bills. This works because hot air will naturally rise and cool air will fall, which means that the hot air will gather near the ceiling which will be too high for you to feel it directly while any cool air will gather at ground level where you and your family can enjoy it. 

High-Tech Thermostat

Another great feature to look for in a condo is a high-tech or programmable thermostat. These thermostats can allow you to exert more control over how often and when your home is heated or cooled, which will help you avoid wasting energy and money.

Many of these thermostats will have features that can allow you to easily specify what temperatures you want your house to be at during certain times of the day. For example, you could program the thermostat to automatically turn off the heating and cooling systems while everyone is at work or school, and automatically turn back on just before you or your family members come home. In addition, many high-tech thermostats will allow you to remotely control the thermostat, which means that you can turn the heater or air conditioner off from work if you forgot to turn it off before you left the house.

New Furnace

Finally, you will want to make sure that any condos that you consider have a recently replaced furnace. One of the main reasons for this is that modern furnace models are going to be far more energy efficient than older models, which means that you will be able to heat your new condo for less money in the winter than if you had an older furnace. In addition, you do not want to buy a condo with an older furnace only to have to turn around in a year or two and have to replace it due to its age. 

Contact a real estate agent today in order to discuss which features to look for in a new condo that can help you save money on your living costs and utilities. Vaulted ceilings, high-tech thermostats, and a new furnace are all great options that can reduce your monthly expenses.


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Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants

For the last several years, I've used a property management firm to help with my rental properties. One of the tasks that they handle for me is screening applicants who would like to move into one of my vacant units. Their expertise has helped me lower my tenant turnover and find people who want to stay with me for years. Part of the process is a tenant screening credit check. Before any further contact takes place, my manager orders credit reports from at least two agencies. That is enough to tell us if an applicant is a good financial risk. Assuming the references work out, I meet the candidate and make the final decision. If you own rental properties, let me tell you more about the benefits of having a property manager. I'm betting you'll find this type of arrangement will work for you too.
